Amboseli National Park Elephants

Amboseli National Park Elephants  : Elephants are the member of the big five animals in Africa and if act they are the biggest among all the animals in the park. In Amboseli National Park, the elephants take the biggest percentage. It is reported that Amboseli National Park, features over 1600 elephants and because of hosting the large number of the elephants, Amboseli national park was declared as the UNESCO World Heritage site in the year 1991. There are an alloy of the wildlife celebrities in the world that originate from the Amboseli national park and one of these celebrities is well known as the Elephant Tim which is the common elephant in the Amboseli National Park.

The Amboseli Trust for elephants has protected and advocated for the conservation and protection of the elephants within the  park .There is a lot of significance of the elephants within the park. These animals can easily be explored during the game drive safaris and these give you an opportunity to see the biggest animals on land at a close range. The driver-guide is knowledgeable about these famous and the experience rich in the trails and thus it becomes so easy for you to see these animals on larger near you.

Amboseli National Park Elephants
Amboseli National Park Elephants

Elephants in Amboseli national park are the most studied in the whole world and a lot of documentaries have been made from the park and some of these documentaries include the Echo the unforgettable Elephant on the BBC. Echo was the son of the prominent elephant in Amboseli national park that had become the Matriarch of her great family at the age of twenty-three years. In the year 1973, she was lifted using the radio call for the easy study of life. And even she got the name from the radio from the sound that is used to make an echo. In 2009, Echo died but their memories with the Amboseli national park remain very fresh to most of the conservationist people.

Elephants within the park are sub divided into 58 families with over 300 dominant adult male elephants, each family is headed by the fully grown adult female and at times the elephants come together to make a clan and the genetic relationship do exist between them the gestating period for the elephants is about 640 to 660 days and it gives the heavy calf that weighs up to 120 kilograms and which is unbelievable and interesting. The elephants in Amboseli national park thus living in the family groups of up to 20 individuals they usually feed on the forage on leaves, grasses, seeds, fruits, tree bark and many more.

The elephants are able to defend themselves and can hurt any predator that attacks them by trampling them or hitting them with their large tusks. Prides of lion or packs of hyena or wild dogs might be able to take down an elephant, especially if it is a baby or the sick elephant. The park is most famous for its elephant’s population, where the herds of up to 100 can be found drinking at one of the swampy springs that filter up through the rock from an endless underground water supply direct from Kili’s ice cap. Some of the bull elephants found here also have incredibly long and impressive tusks, the life expectancy of the elephants  is about 56 years and more.

Amboseli National Park Elephants
Amboseli National Park Elephants

It is considered to be Africa’s best spot for viewing free-range elephants, the park is considered to be one of the most popular parks in Kenya due to its views of Mount Kilimanjaro and the huge elephant herds that live in its boundaries.

 Amboseli national park has adopted to ensure that it conserves the beautiful elephants to maintain sustainable development, herds upon herds of elephants, ‘Ann Joy Michira told Anadolu Agency adopting two Tuskers for 1 million Kenya shillings.

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